Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Alcoholism is a chronic and it often progressive disease. Alcoholics find that, drink those people who have problems with people close to them, with school or work, and with other parts of their lives. If you do not use any treatment during alcoholism disease, it may destroy both emotional and physical health and may lead to death. In alcoholism, mostly it affects the digestive system, pancreas, nerves, and heart.
An Inspiring Note ! A message for your friend/ loved one discouraging the intake of alcohol.

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Five home remedies to treat Alcoholism:
Give It Up ! Ask your buddy/ near ones to quit the habit.

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An Inspiring Note ! A message for your friend/ loved one discouraging the intake of alcohol.

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Five home remedies to treat Alcoholism:
- First and foremost, you have to give your addiction a clean break. Think or rather read about all the negative aspects about alcoholism and implant them in your mind that you have to get rid of this habit in order to gain a healthy and longer life. The moment you will start believing that you have to get rid of it, the task will be easier for you as you will have the zeal to fight against the stigma.
- Eat apples at regular intervals as it reduces the craving for alcohol and it also help to clear the toxins from the system. You should drink a half glass of water and in which four or five dates have been rubbed together. This remedy, you should do it twice daily for better result. Dates are considered quite advantageous to treat alcoholism.
- An optimum diet of fundamental nutrients consisting of wholegrain cereals, nuts, seeds and sprouts, fresh fruits, and vegetables is perfect to cure the damages caused by Alcoholism. The best substitute drink for alcohol is a glass of fresh fruit juice. The patient should drink juices and eat candy or other snacks if he feels a craving for a stimulant. All refined foods such as sugar, white rice, macaroni products, strong condiments, white flour, and meat should be avoided.
- During the first ten days of the 'juice fast' which is the very first step in the rehabilitation process of Alcoholism, a warm-water enema should be taken everyday to cleanse the bowels. Plenty of rest and outdoor physical exercises are a basic necessity as it will keep the patient active and fresh. Smoking must be avoided strictly as it increases the desire for alcohol.
- Never lie flat on your back as it might cause heartburn by the acid in your stomach moving upward to your esophagus. You can try to eat a bowl of rice pudding made with milk, because it helps to absorb stomach acid, gives you a fresh feeling and a positive urge to consume a proper diet.
Give It Up ! Ask your buddy/ near ones to quit the habit.

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