Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Hope is passive but predominant in the sense of a wish or a prayer. It is active in a plan or idea. Consider a prisoner of war who never gives up hope for escape and, against the odds, plans and accomplishes this. Hope revives the captive,rejuvenates the ailing. Fear can hold you prisoner but Hope sets you free. Each one of us live with hope and there are some people who showed us the path to Hope.
Hope is the thing with feathers
That perches in the soul,
And sings the tune without the words,
And never stops at all.
Emily Dickinson
Hope is like a promise of a shore when you are in the mid sea. It is that four letter word that captures the the spirit of all human aspiration. Every single thing that is done in this world is done by hope. Hope is the last thing that dies in man; and though it is exceedingly deceitful, yet it is of this good use to us, that while we are traveling through life it conducts us in an easier and more pleasant way to our journey's end.
The Greek personified Hope as Elpis,the baby of Nyx and the mother of P heme,goddess of rumour.Hope was depicted as a young woman, usually carrying flowers or cornucopia in her hands. The story of Hope goes back in the times of Pandora,who was all gifted by the Greek Gods.Zeus gave her the most special gift-a box,famously called Pandora's box.Until then, mankind lived life in a paradise without worry. She was told not to open the box . However, Pandora's curiosity got the better of her and she opened it, releasing all the misfortunes of mankind: Once opened, she suddenly shut it to keep one thing in the jar-Hope:. The world remained extremely bleak for an unspecified interval, until Pandora "chanced" to revisit the box again, at which point Hope fluttered out. Thus, mankind always has hope in times of all evil.
People who saw Hope Against Hope
Socrates,the great ancient greek philosopher admited in court of law that he could have avoided the trial by abandoning his philosophy and going home to mind his own business.He was forced to commit suicide by drinking Hemlock. Socrates died but hope survived. His dream of a better society with wisdom and valuable philosophical insight in its own right, earned him great respect.
Joan of Arc
The National heroine of France,Joan of Arc was only seventeen when she plunged to recover her homeland from English domination late in the Hundred Years' War. After an able leadership to the army she ordered a retreat and she assumed the place of honor as the last to leave the field .Her hope of a free motherland became a reality when France became a free nation.
Helen Keller
The famous speaker , author and social activist, Helen was truly an admirable figure with whom words like diligence and hope become synonymous. She became deaf and blind at a tender age of nineteen month. Yet she is remembered as an advocate for people with disabilities, as well as numerous causes. Her non-profit organization Helen Keller International helps prevent blindness across borders.
Martin Luther King Jr.
The American Leader of Civil Rights Movement became the youngest man to be awarded the Noble Peace Prize (for his work as a peacemaker, promoting non-violence and equal treatment for all races. Later King was assassinated. In 1986,Martin Luther King Day was established as a US Holiday. . He was known as a great public speaker. Dr. King often called for personal responsibility in fostering world peace King's most influential and well-known public address is the “I Have A Dream" speech,where he spoke about his Hope of a better world.
The political and spiritual visionary of India freed his countrymen from the shackles of British rule. His non-cooperation and civil disobedience movement was a major breakthrough in the struggle for independence of India. The spirit of Non-violence,truth,simplicity left hope for millions of people across the World in their struggle for existence.
Mother Teresa
Mother Teresa,regarded as “the saint of gutters”,lived for the cause of humanity. She founded The Missionaries of Charity,whose mission was to care for (in her own words) "the hungry, the naked, the homeless, the crippled, the blind, the lepers, all those people who feel unwanted, unloved, uncared for throughout society, people that have become a burden to the society and are shunned by everyone." For her exemplary social work she was awarded the Noble Peace Prize.
e it your friends, parent(s), loved ones, colleagues or someone you know... We all have someone in our life who inspires us and encourages us to do our best. Send some cute, animated and free ecards and make them feel special !
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Lord Gives You Strength...
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Thanks For Being There...
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Thanks For All That You Do !
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You Bring Out The Best !
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Hope is the thing with feathers
That perches in the soul,
And sings the tune without the words,
And never stops at all.
Emily Dickinson
Hope is like a promise of a shore when you are in the mid sea. It is that four letter word that captures the the spirit of all human aspiration. Every single thing that is done in this world is done by hope. Hope is the last thing that dies in man; and though it is exceedingly deceitful, yet it is of this good use to us, that while we are traveling through life it conducts us in an easier and more pleasant way to our journey's end.
The Greek personified Hope as Elpis,the baby of Nyx and the mother of P heme,goddess of rumour.Hope was depicted as a young woman, usually carrying flowers or cornucopia in her hands. The story of Hope goes back in the times of Pandora,who was all gifted by the Greek Gods.Zeus gave her the most special gift-a box,famously called Pandora's box.Until then, mankind lived life in a paradise without worry. She was told not to open the box . However, Pandora's curiosity got the better of her and she opened it, releasing all the misfortunes of mankind: Once opened, she suddenly shut it to keep one thing in the jar-Hope:. The world remained extremely bleak for an unspecified interval, until Pandora "chanced" to revisit the box again, at which point Hope fluttered out. Thus, mankind always has hope in times of all evil.
People who saw Hope Against Hope
Socrates,the great ancient greek philosopher admited in court of law that he could have avoided the trial by abandoning his philosophy and going home to mind his own business.He was forced to commit suicide by drinking Hemlock. Socrates died but hope survived. His dream of a better society with wisdom and valuable philosophical insight in its own right, earned him great respect.
Joan of Arc
The National heroine of France,Joan of Arc was only seventeen when she plunged to recover her homeland from English domination late in the Hundred Years' War. After an able leadership to the army she ordered a retreat and she assumed the place of honor as the last to leave the field .Her hope of a free motherland became a reality when France became a free nation.
Helen Keller
The famous speaker , author and social activist, Helen was truly an admirable figure with whom words like diligence and hope become synonymous. She became deaf and blind at a tender age of nineteen month. Yet she is remembered as an advocate for people with disabilities, as well as numerous causes. Her non-profit organization Helen Keller International helps prevent blindness across borders.
Martin Luther King Jr.
The American Leader of Civil Rights Movement became the youngest man to be awarded the Noble Peace Prize (for his work as a peacemaker, promoting non-violence and equal treatment for all races. Later King was assassinated. In 1986,Martin Luther King Day was established as a US Holiday. . He was known as a great public speaker. Dr. King often called for personal responsibility in fostering world peace King's most influential and well-known public address is the “I Have A Dream" speech,where he spoke about his Hope of a better world.
The political and spiritual visionary of India freed his countrymen from the shackles of British rule. His non-cooperation and civil disobedience movement was a major breakthrough in the struggle for independence of India. The spirit of Non-violence,truth,simplicity left hope for millions of people across the World in their struggle for existence.
Mother Teresa
Mother Teresa,regarded as “the saint of gutters”,lived for the cause of humanity. She founded The Missionaries of Charity,whose mission was to care for (in her own words) "the hungry, the naked, the homeless, the crippled, the blind, the lepers, all those people who feel unwanted, unloved, uncared for throughout society, people that have become a burden to the society and are shunned by everyone." For her exemplary social work she was awarded the Noble Peace Prize.
e it your friends, parent(s), loved ones, colleagues or someone you know... We all have someone in our life who inspires us and encourages us to do our best. Send some cute, animated and free ecards and make them feel special !
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Lord Gives You Strength...
When you want to make your loved one/ friend/ family feel special.
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Thanks For Being There...
A thought to let your friend/ loved one know how grateful you are to them !
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Thanks For All That You Do !
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Thank You for Inspiring Me
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You Bring Out The Best !
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